Working One-on-One with a Trained Therapist
At Sage Minds Counseling, we are dedicated to treating the concerns that you bring to therapy. Whether you bring your family, your relationship, or yourself, our goal is to help you achieve the change that you are hoping for. Our counselors can respond to your concerns objectively, offer a comforting word, and give you sound advice to help you live a better life. With the world ever changing and moving at increased speeds, we can often feel like we are getting pulled in many directions. This can be stressful for teens and adults alike. Unfortunately, we don't always feel comfortable talking... Read The Rest
Family Therapy Services
Family therapy is a service that helps individuals and families cope and heal from issues like trauma, grief, substance abuse, depression and anxiety. We are experienced at evaluating the structure of many different family systems and offering interventions to facilitate healthy and positive changes that benefit the emotional well-being of all family members. At Sage Minds Counseling, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality individual and family therapy. Family counseling aims to promote understanding and collaboration among family members in order to solve the problems of one or more individuals. Counseling can help you understand and manage whatever life throws at... Read The Rest
Safe Exchange of Differing Viewpoints
Sage Minds Counseling offers group therapy designed to target specific problems. Groups brings together individuals for the safe exchange of differing viewpoints. It alleviates the feeling of being alone and creates supportive bonds. When people come into a group therapy setting and interact freely with other members in the group, they usually recreate those difficulties that brought them together in the first place. Some people attend individual therapy in addition to groups, while others participate in groups only. Joining a group of strangers may sound intimidating at first, but group therapy provides benefits that individual therapy may not. Counselors say, in fact,... Read The Rest
Powerful Therapy for Healing Trauma and Emotional Stress
Any event that has had a lasting negative effect on the self or psyche is by its very nature “traumatic”. Events that happen to us when we are in our younger years and throughout our life shape and mold us, for better or worse. Some of us can chose to use those situations as life lessons and move on, never letting it affect us again. Others may not be able to do that. It just stays with you, tucked away until it is triggered, affecting you over and over again; sometimes even years apart. We can’t seem to escape it; no... Read The Rest

Sage Minds Counseling Helps Families And Individuals Of All Ages

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